Powered Clothing
Product Design
Concept Prototyping
Manufacturing Transfer
Apparel meets soft robotics. Seismic sees a world where no one is limited by their physical capabilities - where the bounds of what is possible are completely reimagined. These unique, motorized garment solutions can enable a safer workplace, empower an aging population, and provide assistive motion support for chronic conditions that impair motor movement.
"Seismic powered clothing delivers quality of life through quality of movement."

Developing a superhero suit.
We collaborated with Seismic to design, develop, and prototype the Seismic Suit. This powered garment empowers all wearers by providing strength and core body support in a discrete, under-the-clothes form factor. Utilized in a wide variety of wellness applications, the suit lives and moves with you, providing customizable physical support along with data insights to enable individual mobility.

"Seismic is the first company to make real clothing with integrated electromechanical muscles."
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